Thursday, April 2, 2009

You want to know who God really is?

Then read this. "And David writes the name Yahweh. "Yahweh is my shepard." Though foriegn to us, the name was rich to David. So rich, in fact, that David chose Yahweh over El Shaddai (God Almighty), El Elyon (God Most High), and El Olam (God the Everlasting)...Many other titles were at David's disposal. But when he considered all the options. David chose Yahweh.
Why Yahweh? Because Yahweh is God's name. You can call me teacher, or BLG leader--- these are accurate descriptions, but these aren't my name...If you want to call me by my name, say Jennifer...and if you want to call God by his name, say Yahweh.

(Exerpts from Traveling Light, Max Lucado)

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