Monday, November 9, 2009

I told the faculty today!

Mr Rider allowed me to share with the group how the Lord is working in my life (and Erick).

I told them that for the last 3 1/2 year I have been limiting God. Telling him that I only wanted my own biological child, and that nothing else would be good enough for me! Ahh what was I thinking having this mind set?? I was telling God "Please don't bless me in ways that are better than my own measly thoughts. Please God let me sit and wallow in my self pity and my self worthlessness, constantly getting frustrated with my own desires that I can not fulfill on my own."
I kick myself to have gone through this for soooo long. At least it feels like so long. I pray that you are not limiting God in some avenue in your life. What you need to do is start to pray, Lord you know better than me, so please do your thing!
It may not happen right away but BAM when it happens you know that it is only from God, because no one could work the plans and put the right people together at the same time, place, and all have the same mindset!

GOD IS AMAZING! Don't forget that!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Amen girl, and thanks for the reminder.

I wonder if Dr. Moore would come speak at FBCN or something sometime? There are so many struggling with infertility right now, his words may be comforting, and testimonies like yours and the other HOPE ladies are making waves.

I know he really likes to travel and speak on such issues.